Build On Your Personal Strengths And Multiply Your Happy
Appreciation of Beauty & Excellence. Bravery. Creativity. Curiosity. Fairness. Forgiveness. These are some of the many kinds of character strengths we all possess, in differing levels of course! With May as Mental Health Awareness month it’s a great time to embrace your strengths, and the 7th Annual ‘Multiply Your Happy’ is a fun and easy way for all ages to do so on a daily basis.
Gratitude. Honesty. Hope. Humility. Humor. Judgment. Kindness. Research reveals that people who use their personal strengths every day are three-times more likely to report having an excellent quality of life and six-times more likely to be engaged at school or work. To find out your and your family’s core strengths, everyone can take the free, 15-minute VIA Institute on Character’s Survey of Character Strengths (Youth Survey for ages 10-17) at The VIA Institute on Character is a globally-recognized expert on the science of character strengths research.
Leadership. Love. Love of Learning. Perseverance. Perspective. Prudence. Once you understand what your family’s personal strengths are, ‘Multiply Your Happy’ has fun and easy daily tips to help use the qualities that come most naturally to improve life and begin thriving. Using one’s character strengths has been shown to help buffer against, manage & overcome problems, improve relationships and enhance health & overall well-being.
Self-Regulation. Social Intelligence. Spirituality. Teamwork. Zest. Make them all work for your happy future. ‘Multiply Your Happy’ will be available all May-long at your local Mind Springs Health office, or downloadable at
Download your own copy of MULTIPLY YOUR HAPPY and start building your strengths today!