A patient-centered experience that bridges the gap between hospital or emergency department discharge and a strong recovery. Through proactive planning, this program provides continuity of care for individuals who are transitioning home, which can be an especially vulnerable time. Mind Springs Health provides outpatient consultation and services after leaving the hospital for a short period of time to help you stabilize and achieve beneficial wellness.

How does the Care Transitions program work?

A case manager will visit with you before leaving the hospital and will help you navigate your wellness journey after discharge. The case manager will need to understand your wellness goals and will help you secure outpatient services. The program typically involves a team of mental health professionals including psychiatrists, therapists, social workers, and others who work together to develop a care plan for each patient. This plan may include regular office or virtual therapy sessions, additional education, support groups, social support services and medication to help individuals manage their symptoms and improve overall well-being.

What can I expect from this program?

This program helps you:

– Establish a location for mental health treatment.

– Have weekly contacts with a case manager.

– Receive regular therapy appointments.

– Manage medications with the guidance of a psychiatric provider.

How does the Mind Springs Care Transitions Program benefit me?

The overall goal is to help successfully transition individuals to the next level of care and achieve better wellness and to focus on services that help avoid unnecessary re-hospitalizations.

Who is eligible?

Referrals originate from the hospital or emergency department for those returning home.

Children, adolescents, and adults are eligible. Medicaid is accepted.

Call to get started today.


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