Resiliency Skills

for Kids, Adults & Communities

This training utilizes simple, yet effective skills
that have proven to increase daily resilience and happiness.

This course focuses on the roles that character strengths, positive coping skills, and resiliency play in our lives and how developing these skills in ourselves, our families and our colleagues can increase our happiness. This training can be customized for work places, community groups, schools and more.

Participants will Gain:

  • Resiliency skills to implement into daily living, including the ability to understand the impact that building resiliency can have on your family, workplace and community.
  • Knowledge of several concepts of positive psychology and how they relate to resiliency skills that can be learned and practiced.
  • The ability to navigate stressful events in healthy ways and more easily adapt to change.

To get the most out of this event please complete your
free character strengths analysis prior to attending.

To learn more about scheduled events or if you are interested in holding a resiliency presentation for your organization, school or community please contact Tom Gangel at [email protected] or 970.819.2625

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