Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Treatment

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Mind Springs Health offers treatment for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) at our offices throughout the western slope.

Aspen | Craig | Eagle |  Glenwood Springs | Granby | Grand Junction | Meeker | Rangely | Steamboat Springs

ADHD is most often treated with some combination of behavior therapy and medication.

Everyone is different and it is important to find the right combination that works best for you or your child.

Learn how to make the first appointment below and start getting the treatment you or a loved one needs.

Symptoms of ADHD

Signs of inattention include:

  • Becoming easily distracted and jumping from activity to activity
  • Becoming bored with tasks quickly
  • Difficulty in focusing and concentrating,
  • Inability to complete tasks or activities, like homework
  • Losing things, like toys or school supplies
  • Not listening or paying attention when spoken to
  • Daydreaming or wandering with lack of motivation
  • Difficulty processing information quickly
  • Struggling to follow directions

Signs of hyperactivity include:

  • Fidgeting and squirming, have trouble sitting still
  • Non-stop talking
  • Touching or playing with everything
  • Difficulty doing quiet tasks or activities

Signs of impulsivity include:

  • Impatience
  • Acting without regard for consequences, blurting things out
  • Difficulty taking turns, waiting or sharing
  • Interrupting others

If you think you or a loved one has ADHD

  • Talk with your primary care physician or mental health professional about your concerns. Write them down before the appointment so that you are prepared to address each one. Arrive at the appointment ready to discuss what is happening in school, at work and/or in relationships that have you concerned.
  • Ask for a comprehensive assessment to determine whether you or your child may have ADHD. This is important to help rule out other psychological or medical conditions that may be causing the symptoms and to help ensure an accurate diagnosis.
  • If you or your child is diagnosed with ADHD, be prepared to be an active partner in developing and adhering to the treatment plan. Ask questions, no question is off-limits when it comes to understanding treatment options.
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