Springs Staff Scoop October 2021

If you have any tips, news, or content that you would like to see in the Springs Staff Scoop, please feel free to email Stephanie Keister.

Brandi Black

Congratulations Brandi Black!

Brandi Black, Mind Springs Health Co-Responder Clinician in Mesa County, recently was awarded the Chief’s Commendation Award from the Grand Junction Police Department.  Brandi was given this prestigious award due to her dedication in working with the Grand Junction Police Department, providing crisis counseling to those in need.  Chief Shoemaker specifically called out an incident where Brandi responded to a call regarding someone suicidal. By phone, Brandi was able to convince the gentleman to put down the gun he said he was holding and come out of the house so he could get help.  In another referenced incident, Brandi helped facilitate involuntary commitment for a gentleman who had called 911 more than 130 times in a six month period.  Suffering from addiction, as well as physical health issues, this gentleman was admitted to a treatment facility in Denver due to Brandi’s persistence in getting him the help he needed.

Brandi not only serves those in crisis, but continually helps educate officers with the department on mental health.

All of us at Mind Springs Health are proud of Brandi and her work!

Cultural Engagement Team logo

Join the Cultural Engagement Team!

Are you interested in helping our organization become more diverse and knowledgeable about equality and equity within our communities?

Please join the next CET meeting:

Wednesday, November 24

1 to 2 p.m.

Domestic Violence and DEI

by Amanda Lara, M.S., LPCC

October was deemed Domestic Violence Awareness Month in 1987 by U.S. Congress through Public Law 101-112 to raise awareness about the prevalence of domestic violence (DV) and to connect individuals to resources. DV can present as an imbalance of power in many ways including physical abuse, verbal abuse, sexual abuse, intimidation, isolation, economic abuse, stalking, and harassment. According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, nearly 20 people per minute are physically abused by an intimate partner.

With the high prevalence of DV in our nation, it is important to include cultural considerations. DV is not limited to heterosexual relationships or to any specific race/ethnicity. The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence also reported that members of the LBTQ community are victims of domestic violence at higher rates compared to heterosexual couples:

  • 44% of lesbians and 61% of bisexual women experience DV compared to 35% of straight women.
  • 26% of gay men and 37.3% of bisexual men experience DV compared to 29% of heterosexual men.
  • 54% of transgender and non-binary individuals experience DV in their lifetimes.

DV also disproportionally affects minority women, with four out of 10 non-Hispanic women of color reporting being a victim of DV in their lifetime. This rate is 30-50% higher than what is experienced by White women according to the 2010 State Report on national intimate partner and sexual violence conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Pressure from community to keep family matters private, worrying about legal status, distrust of law enforcement, and lack of representation in service providers are reasons that people of color often rationalize not seeking help from authorities or professionals.

Through our organization, we can help victims of domestic violence by staying informed of the prevalence and warning signs. We can directly assess for DV when clients are alone by asking if they feel safe in their homes. We can be vigilant of warning signs including physical signs of abuse (like bruising, black eyes, and other injuries) and emotional signs of abuse (like constant apprehension, persistent fearfulness, avoidance of close relationships). If we suspect DV, we can discreetly direct these individuals to professional resources, even if these victims do not initially plan on using them.

Interested in sharing an experience or something you have learned? Write a DEI piece for the Springs Staff Scoop!

As an incentive, you will be awarded with Eloops Fun-Nominal Funds! If you have any questions about the CET, please outreach Amy Gallagher or Norma Roberts.  

Thank you to all that participated in the Second Annual Pedal for Prevention! Congratulations to Team Skramblers in the Roaring Fork Valley for having the most participants!

Motorcycle Mama
Miranda Botts
Shiara and Keller
Google logo

Have you ever written a Google review?  When someone has had an awesome evening dining out, they’ll often write a Google review to share their experience.  If their experience was bad, they’re even more likely to write a review.  In fact, when a person has a good customer service experience, they’re likely to tell one or two people.  If they’ve had a bad experience, they will tell ten!  When it comes to healthcare, it is quite common to see more negative than positive comments on social media, simply due to the overwhelming frustration people feel with the industry.  And, with behavioral health, many people with positive outcomes shy away from talking about it publicly, as mental health stigma is still widespread.

When a great review comes online, it reminds all of us that the work being done at Mind Springs Health and West Springs Hospital is saving lives!  Here are a few reviews that we can all be proud of!

MSH Review
WSH Review
Halloween happy pumpkin

Halloween Safety Tips – Gentle Reminders for Trick or Treating

Did you know that Halloween is the deadliest day for child pedestrians?  Sadly, each year many children lose their lives on this Holiday – especially during the 6 p.m. hour, which is a confluence of rush hour and sunset.  Here are some reminders for kiddos (and some for drivers!) to keep everyone safe this weekend:

  • Cross the street at corners, using traffic signals and crosswalks.  Look left, right, and left again when crossing.
  • Put the phone downs when walking and keep your head up.
  • Make eye contact with drivers before crossing in front of cars.
  • Watch for cars turning or backing up – they may not see you.
  • Decorate costumes or treat bags with reflective tape or stickers.
  • Avoid long, flowing costumes that could be tripping hazards or could catch fire if too close to a jack-o-lantern.
  • Use face paint or makeup instead of a mask that might obstruct vision.
  • Carry glow sticks or flashlights.
  • Grown ups . . . If you’re driving – slow down and be more alert in residential areas – put your phone down!

And if you are in Grand Junction, join us for Trunk or Treat on Saturday!

Halloween poster
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